Monday, July 17, 2017

Yard sales

Okay, I admit it, yard sales are my life (sorry kids) I live for the next big sale. It doesn't matter if I'm alone or with someone else, as soon as I see that first pile of one man's junk, my adrenalin starts pumping and I don't care if you get out of the car before me, I will beat you there! Ha ha (no, really). I have jumped out of bed at O'dark-a-clock, stood in line with 5 or 6 or 20 other fools, freezing my buns off, drinking my coffee, waiting for the bell to sound (figuratively), or the gate monitor to FINALLY let us in (literally) in order of arrival at the scene. The unwritten code of first come first served is strictly enforced in the yard sale-ing world.
I struggle with where to go first at full house estate sales: do I go directly to the garage or basement or outbuildings, or do I take my chances inside the house. It doesn't seem to matter because I will always see someone with something I wish I had found before them if only I had got there first? When I had a store, my daughter and I went to sales together so that when we got in we could split up and cover twice as much ground. Sometimes we would accumulate huge piles of goods that eventually one of us would have to stand guard over to protect it from scavengers, those unethical people who think they can pick off your pile!
I look around my house and fondly remember where I snagged that pair of lamps or that divine antique chair. Some of my best finds are from Habitat for Humanity, who knew? I found an adorable shelf at The Salvation Army in Spokane Valley. I painted it purple and gave it to my granddaughter, Ann. She's 2 but she knew exactly what it was for. She immediately started piling all of her babies into it.
So here's the deal. I love yard sales, I enjoy writing, so why not combine the 2 and share my ever changing experiences with all you yard sale enthusiasts out there. I like to paint and create so you will see what I'm doing with all of the treasures I find. I may even manage to sell a few.
Wish me luck!

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